Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer Twenty Ten!!!

So I haven't blogged/posted anything since last fall, not really much of a blogger, but thought it was time I put up some pics of my cuties for everyone to see. My thought was to go as far back as the beginning of summer and just put it up in one post for now......NEVER MIND!!!
This is taking WAY too long so you get to see how exciting this past week has been! :)

Fourth of JULY!!!
The 4th is my fave as far as holidays go! I love it! This year started out great we went to our friends Bill and Gina's son's birthday party! Gavin turned the big 2 this year! Our girls had fun at Monkey Business! Then we came home and just chilled out and gave Ava a nap so we could go have a great time at our Colorado 4th tradition, The Rapid soccer game!
This yr the Rapids game was more miserable than fun since the stormes kept rolling in, by halftime we were getting soaked so we decided to pack it up and head home.....such is life! We WILL see fireworks next yr! Still a great family day, which continued on the 5th....We got to go back to school shopping, swimming all day and had friends over for a cookout! (and the next day Kennedy started 2nd grade)
Chloe, my little poser!

All My Girlies!

So Pretty!

Goofy little Ava blowing bubbles!

My Biggest Girl!

Awe, Ava your so cute!

My American flag fruit pizza! YUM!

My 2nd Grader

She is so grown up, I can't believe Kennedy is in 2nd grade, just two weeks ago she was in 1st!
My girls are in year round school and I love the schedule! But not too much time to think from one grade to the next. I LOVE summer, don't get me wrong, but just 6wks and then we are off for 3.

America the Beautiful
While Kennedy was at her first day of school I took the younger two down to Colorado Springs to play at this awsome park. The best part is the fountain, it is so cool. My cousin Kyle, his wife Lindsey, their little guy Greyson and baby girl Peyton joined us and we had lots of fun! Unfortunately I didn't bust out my camera till after they left(I apparently can't talk and take pics and keep an eye on my girls all at the same time)

Super cool playground

my little monkey

Ava and Chloe walking toward the fountain!
Beautiful scenery!

Let's have some fun!

And you can see Gabe's work from the park, but unfortunately he was in meetings all day so couldn't meet us! But afterwards we found out he was doing some work at the Starbucks around the corner so we stopped there for a frappacino!

Chloe's 1st Day of Kindergarten!!!
All that she could talk about for the past few weeks was "when do I start Kindergaten", "that's TOO long" and the day finally came! She was so excited..."mom, you don't have to walk in with me." Thankfully the class lines up outside and walks in together so she could do it "all by herself"
My big 5 year old! Who still tells people everyday, "I turned 5 on Father's Day!
Oh and I cannot forget to mention her beautiful blue sparkly backpack that she picked out all by herself! I had a purple butterfly one picked out and then she saw this one, that was the end of that! Its the Best! :)

Told you she loves to pose! (Kennedy does too)

getting ready to go it w her class!

picking up my girls, it was a GOOD DAY!

Well that's all for now, I am all blogged out!
Did I metion it was a LONG week( and Gabe was in L.A. for 3 of the days) Good Night!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So it has been a long time again since I have posted any pictures on here! (Sorry Mom!) Nearly six months. Sadly not only did I not post anything all summer long, we went to the pool more than a dozen times and I don't think I ever took any pics. The only pictures I took were at Red Rocks and for the 4th of July! and those are only on Facebook.

Well here are some pics of the girls playing in the leaves! Our last super warm day! It was 75 degrees and my neighbor called to warn me that it was going to be super cold the next few days and it could posibly SNOW, so we better have our sprinkler system blown out or our pipes could freeze!

So after I picked Kennedy up from school, I grabbed my camera and told them to go play in the leaves, we played next door since their yard was covered much more! They had a good time makeing leave piles and jumping in them and then I went in the back yard and sat on our swing while Ava played peek-a-boo under trampoline!

Such a princess!!!

Future soccer player!

My baby is getting soooo big!
Chloe is so "motherly" to her little sis!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Biggest Snow Storm '08/'09

This was seriously the best winter ever! I mean, who can beat 70 degree weather in Jan and Feb and then we can go ski in the Mountains anytime we want to make cute snowmen and drink hot chocolate! But this much snow at the end of April is crazy. We got way less snow than predicted this yr, until this past weekend. Although we were still under, this storm brough 1/3 of the predicted snow fall for this winter season! Now thats A LOT of snow! Unfortunately it came when Shelly was here visiting,luckily her flight wasn't cancelled so she could get back to Ohio to finish up the school yr. (We did spin into a 360 on the way to the airport :))

The was pretty and Kennedy and Chloe got to make 2 snowmen with Gabe in the front yard, which melted the next day when the 70 degree weather came back!

.....And how did my tulips survive!

I am thinking that is about 2ft of snow, pictures don't even give it justice!

Pulled out these chairs the day before so I could sit in the sun!